Friday, February 6, 2009


Today my day began not being able to get a cab to work. Where the hell are all the cabs in the morning in DC? I think there must be half the cabs there was when they were charging their gas tax, etc. So I decide my only option is to take my smelly limo (Metr* bus) to work. I am lucky to get a seat and the woman behind me is talking on the cell phone is some foreign language that I have never heard before but not speaking in a normal voice. Instead she is talking as if she is speaking to someone in the other side of the room (way on the other side of the room). I am annoyed. Everyone of course is looking at her and I so wanted to turn around and ask her to shut the fuck up. I know bitchy. FINALLY she gets off the fucking bus meanwhile woman on my left makes 20 calls to her friends exclaiming that she's going to Russia just found out today and if her friends are going to visit. I am fine with cell phone usage but what the fuck did these people do without cell phones. They also have to announce of of their business in front of strangers. Finally annoying chick number 2 gets off the bus.

Work. Work was supposed to be a easy day since the partners are gone on their retreat but it isn't slow for us. Fuck no. My retard fucking coworker let a project sit all week (didn't tell anyone that we needed to help him with it) and I spent my afternoon walking around trying to get as much done as possible. At 4:15 I decide I have a horrible headache and wrap up my own shit to do to get out at 5pm.

Then there's the ride home. Now of COURSE I have to sit in front another person on the phone speaking again like they are at a bar. I want to get one of those devices that disconnects people from their convos. I really do and I am considering getting one.

Can't you tell I am expecting my period this weekend. I better stay in or I might otherwise punch some mfer out today.

Peace out.


LJ said...

What a craptacular day. I'd wanna cut a bitch too.

Sonya said...

Yes! There are so many that I'd like to cut. On the bus they also swing their bags and hit you in the head. Maybe I need to start driving or biking to work. :)