Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Photo of our Little Kitty taken with my new camera

Yesterday was only the 3rd time I have ever spent Christmas away from my family. The first was in 1990 when I was in Sweden, the 2nd was right after 9/11 and we thought it was too dangerous to fly and this year. I just didn't feel like traveling this year and spending my bonus on plane tickets. I was just able to pay off all of my credit card debt and didn't want to put 1 thing on them.

Me and Mr. M decided not to do gift exchanges (but he we didn't stick with that plan). My husband likes to shop (and I hate to shop. So Christmas morning he wakes me up early asking if we were going to open presents. For a minute I thought I had a toddler :) but I reluctantly got up we gave the kitties their presents (catnip) and opened ours. I got a nice camera (just a point and shoot but I needed one since my camera is broken and I am not sure why). I then made some blueberry pancakes and we relaxed all day. Christmas Eve we went out for dinner which was wonderful. I did miss my family though.

The weather has been really nice here (50 yesterday) and pretty warm today but no snow :( I do really enjoy snow this time of year but I am sure some is headed our way soon. I also got a call from my friend Jean and we had a long conversation. It was wonderful to talk with her. My soul really needed it. This coming year I am making a promise to myself that I will be more mindful of things in my life. To worry less, to find more joy in my life and be more grateful for the things that I do have and to be closer to God. Somehow spiritually I fell off the wagon but I feel that I need to stand back up and become more open. I am not sure what's out there but I'll certainly be receptive to it.

Happy 2009!

1 comment:

bleu said...

Happy Holidays!!!