Friday, February 27, 2009

It's been a very long week. I found out from someone that 400 people were laid off from one of the largest law firms. Crazy huh? A lot of them lawyers. DC has thankfully pretty much stayed afloat but some firms are getting hit hard primarily due to the industry their clients are in. All I can say is that healthcare is BOOMING. Corporate is also booming because of all the mergers/acquisitions. I am not a lawyer (thank GOD) but I am sure as shit busy. I am hoping that my boss is really looking for someone to hire to help us out.

I want to do my IVF this spring and come hell or high water I am doing it. My boss has been really stressed out lately and a few days ago I had to call him to ask him about some client/meeting that was being set up that no one knew anything about. We have this group which shall remain nameless who think the sun sets and rises on them (it's disgusting and down right shameful) but the shit is what it is and whatever. So my boss kind of snapped at me but I just said "Uh, ok" and let it go. Honestly I completely forgot about it. In the morning before he even takes his coat off he walks to my desk and says "Mrs. M (my first name) I am really sorry that I yelled at you, I just wanted to apologize, I was up thinking about it last night and I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, I know you have "my back" or something like that, more than anyone" I just nodded, "Yep, I do" and it's fine. Really I forgot about it and let it go. I told him that we all get stressed and I get it, but again he apologized. I don't know why he made such a big deal of it. I feel that you have to let people vent do whatever they need to do to get through that situation. I have been treated 1,000 times worse from my previous motherfucker boss. I am really lucky to have the boss that I do.

On Ash Wednesday I went to Mass after work. It was standing room only and it was a great mass. Lately I have been listening to a lot of things. I also have inquired about a few things which deal with energy healing, etc. I don't really want to write about those things here but will share anything that I might learn and should share. I feel that I am in a good place now and it's where I want to be.

Have you ever seen someone sleeping sitting down in a chair? My husband was working at his computer tonight and I could only see the back of him. He had moved to the right and I yelled out his name. It scared the shit out of me. He was sleeping but I had thought something happened. It really scared me for a moment.

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