Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where are you Sarah P*lin

SP should really be reaching out and helping people in her state. While she sits in her warm house others are suffering. I have been to Artic Vill*ge in the northern slope of Alaska and living conditions are not good. We landed there while on our honeymoon in 2000. We walked about a mile to a store to pick up a few groceries and food prices were outrageous. Understandably so since they have to fly everything in but how does one survive? Alcholism and gambling is also prevalent in this area (which they don't discuss in this article). I wish somehow this economy helps these people.

Valentines Day was relaxing. Robert worked most of the day but I told him that I made reservations for us at 8:30. He came home about 6:00 (very early for him) and had a horrible headache. I felt bad and said that maybe we should cancel but he took some aspirin and laid down for a bit. We did go out for dinner which was nice then to the grocery store and then home and passed out asleep. V day is just another holiday even if you do have a valentine. I don't need to profess my love just on one day. I cherish Robert every day.

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