Monday, December 29, 2008

Only a few more days...

Only a few more days and then another 4 days off YAY!!!!!! Man, I work a guy who is a complete slob. How do you deal with this? I am going to take photos and have you see for yourself! Mother&ucker pick up YOUR SHIT! You are probably thinking that I am being anal but when you work in our field you have to be able to quickly get something working (some partners are billing at 750 per hour) and it's a waste of their time when you can't get something done because the place is a shithole! Just frustrated. At least I keep my desk neat. It's the only thing in the entire room that is in order (and btw I did straighten everything up before when it turn back to shit). I aint no body's momma or wife. I don't even pick up shit of my own husband.

I digress.

A lighter note. My period seems to have gotten back on track after the HSG and ovulation seems to be occurring. I know I was told that the tube is blocked but we are going to try this month naturally.

1 comment:

LJ said...

Yay for long weekends - not nearly enough of them.