Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DC is icy

Today I headed to Ge*rgetown University H*spital for a follow up appointment. I had a mammogram for the first time (due to the breast pain I was/am having) in November which thankfully came back all clear. I still wanted a follow up appointment and they decided to do a breast u/s. Results still all clear. I was told to not drink caffeine for 2 weeks, take primose oil (has anyone taken this before) and to come back in 3-4 months. THey asked me if I had planned to breastfeed and I definetley am planning to. I am just glad that for now this is all fine and I can proceed with the IVF path. I still am really freaked out about it (not sure why) but I am. I mean freaked out about the IVF. I have been through somje painful suguries, procedures and not sure why I am being such a chicken but I am.

Did you hear about the woman who had 8 children at once? Sure you have since it's been on the news. Did she do IVF and why would they put that many embroys into her at once? Sounds very bizarre but I am so happy that the babies are healthy and mom is also healthy.

DC is icy. What a nightmare. I couldn't even walk up my street this morning. My neighbor was kind enough to drive me up the road so that I could take the bus to my appointment. P Obama even laughed today because his children stayed home from school.

I love the snow but the ice sucks ass.

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