Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inaguration Day!

The day has finally come.....after the episode and taste for the crowds at Union Station we decided NOT to go to the swearing in or parade. You heard that it was organized but people who live right outside of the DC area have a different story. They said that they couldn't even get the Metro into the city. Being a DC resident I felt like I was in lock down. Can't move your car, can't get around the city lock down. I could have walked to the fesitivities but it was cold and after a week in NYC I was beat. So I laid under a warm blanket and watched it on my 60 inch tv. What a wonderful day. Senator Feinste*n was such a large part of the day. I told Mr. M that she might run for presidency. Hopefully she calls him again to help her with her computer issues. She's a very powerful woman.

I have fallen in love with his daughter (the little one). She has such character and is such a cutie pie.

Now, I can't wait for things to change.

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